We all know it. You’ve sent your application and the only thing you have left to do now, is to wait. If you’ve applied early, we’re usually talking about many months of waiting. So what else is there to do, when you’re completely obsessed with the thought of going to another country for a whole year?
You can go a rampage through cyberspace, looking up every kind of information regarding exchange students, that you can get your fingers on. You can stalk blogs of previous, current or other upcoming exchange students. You can join communities to discuss it with other people in the same situation as you. You can create your own blog and post about your progress, your thoughts and other things from your life.
Generally, there’s a lot to do if you’re restlessly waiting. People who do things like mentioned above are usually said to have ‘exchange mania’, meaning they’re constantly (as constant as they can, at least) thinking about their upcoming exchange year; how it will be, what their host family will be like, which new friends they’ll get and so on. Reading lots of blogs and information websites are also signs of exchange mania.
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Svar: Tack, men egentligen är det bara photoshop alltihop... hehe ;)
Hej jag ska också åka till USA med YFU nu i augusti, känner precis som du! Allt jag kan tänka på är min blivande familj och det helt galna året jag kommer ha! Jag antar att vi ses på förberedelse lägret i juni? :)
SV: Ja det är nästan gaalet med hur mycket tid det är som man går runt och tänker på utbytesåret!
Det är klart vi gör det Astrid! :D