Satt och läste runt lite på ( ja min exchange mania håller fortfarande i sig)
Hittade i alla fall en lista som dem hade gjort med topp 5 anledningar till varför man borde vara en utbytesstudent , viket jag tycker var väldigt intressant! För att hitta hela listan klicka HÄR!
En lite förkortad version:
While on exchange, one typically has the chance to thoroughly experience the culture of their host country.
While on exchange, students have the opportunity to learn a foreign language as they never had before. Bombarded in all directions by the host language after their arrival, young people will learn much more of that country’s tongue than they ever could sitting in a classroom.
By being an exchange student you will meet friends from all around the world. Your exchange program will have meetings and trips for you where you get to meet other exchange students. It is so much fun when exchange students get together because you have so much in common. You will also meet tons of native friends in your exchange country that you will have a close relationship with for the rest of your life.
These individuals are typically expected to act as more than just providers of food and a bed – as they have chosen to host an “exchange” student, most host families really want to create a setting in which they can “exchange” cultures, learning a little about the student’s way of life in his or her home country while helping them to grasp new language and experience the culture of the host country
While on exchange, students are confronted with challenges in everyday life that they will have never before experienced. Everything is new, as the student adjusts to life within a foreign place with a completely different language and culture. Although this may seem utterly frightening, the difficulties associated with everyday life during a year abroad can truly teach a person countless life lessons. At the end of the exchange period, young people typically possess a greater understanding of foreign cultures and diplomacy. Even better, the student will have accomplished something very unique for a person of their age – living independently for an extended period of time in a foreign country, without the aid of their natural parents.
Själv tycker jag att denna lista var ganska intressant att läsa, hoppas att det var någon mer där ute som kände detsamma!